What is Tensorflow? And How it will help in Deep learning?
"IF YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU DO BEST AND BE HAPPY, YOU'RE FURTHER ALONG IN LIFE THAN MOST PEOPLE.SO NEVER JUDGE YOUR CAPABILITIES AND NEVER COMPARE WITH OTHERS." - By Leonardo DiCaprio Deep Learning uses various libraries to train the models. Some famous Deep Learning Libraries (in python ) are as follows: 1)Keras 2)Theano 3)Tensorflow From the above three, I like Tensorflow because of the below reasons. a)Provides both C++ and Python API that makes it easier to work on. b)Has a faster compilation time than other Deep Learning libraries like Torch and Keras. c)Tensorflow supports both CPU's( Central Processing Unit ) and GPU's( Graphical Processing Unit ) computing devices. What is Tensorflow? Open Source library developed by GOOGLE. Developed Originally to run large Numerical Computations. Accepts data in the form of multidimensional arrays of higher dimensions called ...